Wednesday, February 15, 2006

The Chase Chapter Fourteen: Holiness and Faith

Basically this chapter goes into obedience and what it looks like;

"Obedience is key to our chase after holiness, no matter what it may be that God is calling us to do."

I think this is neat, because it leads back into the very first day I got back from XLR:8.

I had a conversation with God, and he basically told me to start a group in the school, to encourage the Christian body there to LEAP out in faith, and to be able to not conform to the rest of the world. This meant to do things like holiness, service, love unconditionally, and right now we are about to learn about intercession and go out and pray for people in our school ( so reaching out to the lost sheep, in other ways of evanglism).

This was really tough, the enemy through alot of obsticles in my way, but perserverance, prayer, and a knowledge of the word allowed us to start this.

I had to literally learn how to take Leap's of faith in order to get Leap on it's feet. This was really going out of my comfort zone, and I was learning these things for a purpose, so I could be able to share them with the others and encourage them to LEAP out.

I never looked at my obedience as faith, I just did it because God asked, and I didn't want to be one of those people who disobeyed God. Heck I didn't even ask questions, I asked what was next, whenever I obeyed his next step, but I never questioned his responses.

But I've been drifting, I've been on a rocky road lately, discourately out of the word, and my prayer life has nearly ceased ( unless I'm crying out).

I need to follow this urging sensation the holy spirit is laying on my heart to stay in the word, and pray.

It just so happens I did alot more of that at the last XLR:8, and I'm going to the 2nd installment of it this weekend. I'm really excited to see what is going to unfold in the next few days.

Anyway, obedience is key.


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