Wednesday, February 15, 2006

The Chase Chapter Thirteen: Habits of Holiness

The main point from this chapter is that, break off the bad habits, and begin new ones.

Our bad habits developed a pattern of sin, and we need to break that habit if we want to chase after holiness.

The book says the holy spirit is the one who helps us break our sinning habits and will help us begin new, good ones.

There are four things to remember as you work on your new habits;

1. Do it over and over. The more you do something the easier it is, like sinning for example, the more you sin, the more likely you'll sin again. So we need to practice saying no to sin over and over again, and we'll get better at resisting temptation
2. Don't say 'Just this once'. Hold firmly to your decisions ( I love that quote)
3. Resist all sins, the big and small ones that we classify ( even though, in God's eyes, sin is sin).
4. Perserverance. Don't quit, we will fail at times but we have to pick ourselves up and try again.

Remember the holy spirit is there to help us all, learn to use him effectively just like the bible.


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