Monday, February 13, 2006

The Chase Chapter Twelve: Holiness and our wills

Now the book digs into to watching over your will power. It can give us the desires to chase after holiness, and the desires to sin. So we need to keep close eye on what it is telling us, and being able to control our will power for use in the chase.

Our will is different from God's will because now we are apart from God, due to something called sin. But what the Chase didn't touch upon is the fact that we as Christians are closer to God, because of Christ, so our 'will' will go after the things God wants, only if we know the things God wants.

That means constant prayer, and reading the word.

We have to keep a close eye on our will (desires) b/c Satan can use them against us, that's why it's important to watch what you let into your mind, b/c our desires can convince us to repeat those bad things we allow in our hearts, to manifest into our actions.


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