Monday, February 13, 2006

The Chase Chapter Ten: Training for the Marathon

So I just realized with the Olympics going on, I can relate alot with this book to the athlets at the games.

For example this chapter talks about training for a run ( a chase of holiness).

The book brings out constant examples of how reading the bible is alot like drinking the water or eating the food before the race to make you strong, so you don't collaspe.

But really the book, talks about how, we are going to screw up. It's an innevitable fact, we are going to mess up in our chase after holiness. Why? Because they require practice and discipline, just like running a marathon at the olympic games. You can't just wake up and run a marathon like the book meations, but you have to train yourself for the chase.

How? By reading the word, praying and meditating upon it, and living it out. Even though I know I had to do these things about the scripture, lately I've been putting it off for other things, but if I'm going to be strong enough to continue my chase after holiness, I need to read my bible more, pray and meditate upon it more, and live it out, waaaay more.

I thought this chapter was really interesting, although it only brought up a few points, it was consise with how it developed the imagery in your mind. I can see myself racing to the finish line of holiness, even stumbling along the run, but I can see myself, stopping at a pit, taking a breather, reading the word, and getting back out there to continue the run.

Read your bible, all the cool kids are doing it... ( they probably aren't but come on, make it a cool trend)


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