Wednesday, February 15, 2006

The Chase Chapter Fifteen: Holiness in an Unholy World

This chapter is huge. No it's only like 5 pages, but I mean the points in here are big.

I use to run away from anything that might cause me to sin, but this is exactly what this chapter deals with, being able to turn to God in those situations, and stand up for your beliefs, without shoving your religion down their throats.

The world is full of sin, what do we do, when everything around us sins? Sin with it, I don't think that is very holy.

So what can we do? Well we don't run from the problem. We need to not blend in with the world, conform or be a hypocritical Christian like we all do at one point or another. We need to stand up to the pressures that the rest of the world will put on us.

The book gives us a few ideas to do this.

Make sure the people around you know your a christian. Thats doesn't mean wear as much Jesus clothing as possible. But it means let your actions and speech speak for you. Pray before tests or meals, invite friends to church. 'Whatever comes naturally to you that will let others know you're a christian- do that.'

Another way to protect ourselves from the worlds influence, is to remain in the word.
Flooding are brain with the truth will allow us to have the knowledge of how to deal with those everyday problems we face, when staring down sin in the world.

The next is love everyone, don't boast b/c your a christian and your saved and their going to hell. You were once like them, heck we still are, the only difference is that we hvae accepted Jesus, and they might not know the full truth about the matter. We can show them God's love through our own love for them.

Be the shinning light in the dark corner of the room.


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